Welcome to the blog

where we help you live well


January 13, 2025

Hello everyone,

I decided to start a blog. Something to help navigate over-the-counter products. You know, things that can greatly affect your health but are ridiculously unregulated.  As a retail pharmacist by day… I see what you’re buying. I see what you put in your mouths.  I hear the marketing.  The number one question I get on a daily basis is “should I take this?” I follow-up with “Well, what are you trying to do?” The blank stares I get in return are honestly concerning.

I’m hoping I can give some clarity and make common sense a thing again. Especially when it comes to supplements. 

Remember they are just that — supplements.

You’re better off EATING your nutrients, vitamins, and minerals – you know fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Our bodies process it better from food. Synergy is abig deal.

Welcome to my blog…