September is Suicide Prevention month.
When I was 15, I had 2 friends die by suicide (gunshot) within 3 months of each other. When I was 43, I lost my brother-in-law to an alcohol overdose. Same manner of death, different weapon.
It is estimated that 19% of the adults in the country have a mental health illness and mental health medications make 7 of the top 20 prescription drugs sold annually. Mental health crises account for 6 million ER visits every year.
Mental health is complicated and treating it is hard. Our medicines come with unwanted effects, and we don’t get results overnight. This is where conventional and functional medicine combined can provide the highest impact. Let me answer your medication questions and look for ways to combat the side effects.
Consider adding these non-medication approaches to your plan:
If your path to wellness is complicated … I’m here… reach out.
**If you are in crisis dial 988 for help**